RemoAge conference focusing on future health care

On RemoAge´s final conference, project partners presented the experience and knowledge of testing new working methods supported by digital technology. The conference attracted stakeholders from different countries, with 150 participants on location and 50 who followed the conference on video streaming.

Health care personnel from the northern Norway's, Scotland's and Norrbotten's sparsely populated areas have during three years tested and developed approximately 13 new working methods, such as Digital medical round, Coordinated individual planning and Remote night supervision. Keynote speakers Donna Henderson, Head of International Engagement at Scottish Centre for Telehealth and telecare at NHS 24, and Une Tangen, Senior Advisor, Innovation, Research and Digitalization, The Norweigan Association of Local and regional Authorities, shared their insights on how digitalization and collaboration can meet future needs.

Watch the presentations from the RemoAge conference in January 2018 in Luleå, here.